About us

The Mission Evangelical Branham Church of Texas is a sovereign church is independent Under the coordination of its Pastor JUNIOR MUTOMBO BRUMBACH, Its purpose is to show to the face of the world the truth about William Marrion Branham and the Promises of God at this end of time .From the beginning of the creation of the world to the end .We will show you that William Marrion Branham is not only a prophet,or pastor or reverend .He is indeed the Holy spirit that jesus promised us,

Every son and daughter of God who is lost in the house of the Lord as I could tell if only I could know where he lives, his house I will go and knock to his  door, and point him/her to the Mission Evangelical Branham Church of Texas with the  aims to bring him/her back to the house of the Lord finally to unload all his/her burdens.

As the Lord says you who are tired of all your burdens come to me I will give you rest, the Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas has the Lord’s obligation to bring you back to the Father’s house

Our church believes and preaches that the same God who appeared to Abraham, the same who created in Genesis, the same who came in human form calling Jesus Christ, He is the same who has come today called William Marrion Branham.

We plan to fulfill the promise made in the book of Mark 16 to go all over the world and make disciples of all nations; and also to fulfill the desire of the Great Prophet William Marrion Branham, as Africa is to send missionaries in the United States. Thus, following the same logic, we also have the objective of organizing missionary trips to the U.S.A. and to all the continents where God can send us; and also creats and converts many churches around the world; the Mission Evangelical Branham Church of Texas has a doctrine that it defends in the face of the world:

The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in the sovereignty of the local church, and the supreme authority and responsibility of the pastor

The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas receives each man or woman in the state where he or she comes to the Gospel and believes in  marriage governed by love, then demands respect for marriage, respect for the vows of marriage and also believes in freedom in the choice of husband or wife

The Mission Evangelical Branham Church of Texas believes in the sovereignty of the local church, and the supreme authority and responsibility of the pastor

The Mission Evangelical Branham Church of Texas is a gathering of living members who believe and accept all revelation from God such as:We beleive in the revelation from God, we believe in the revelation of who the devil is , revelation from the true Church, etc. ;

The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas a people who have recognized the Kinsman Redeemer and worship him according to principle;

“The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas a people who have recognized the Kinsman Redeemer and worship him according to principle”

Our Believes

  1. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes that William Marrion Branham is a reality; He preaches and believes: all His commissions, all His photos, His dreams, His visions, His predictions, His prophecies, His teachings as well as His Name
  2. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes and respects every statement that comes out of the mouth of William Marrion Branham and believes in the harmony of all scriptures for all is inspired
  3. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes that Prophet Branham completes and fulfills all scriptures and mysteries
  4. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in the death, burial and resurrection of man William Marrion Branham
  5. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in the supernatural and in the mystical life of believers
  6. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in the salvation of Gentiles and Israel at the same time, and this at the end of the Church Ages
  7. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in the purity, holiness, order and discipline established by Grand Master William Marrion Branham.
  8. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in prosperity and in His feast days.
  9. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in water baptism according to the book of revelation.
  10. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in missionary work, end-time evangelism, ministering training, and the birth of many tabernacles in countries, cities, provinces and in all parts of the world.
  11. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in predestination, election, unconditional covenant, eternal security of believers, straightened grace, and life after death.
  12. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes the three Bibles of God which are: the zodiac, the pyramid, and the intellectuals’ Bibles and also believes the three testaments.
  13. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes that currently in the world there are men who have the blood of Adam in them and also people who have in them the blood of the old serpent, that is to say two lines of people. on the ground.
  14. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in all the Truth of the Word in Its time. Thus, every Truth before or after time is no longer Truth, and becomes falsehood and the work of the devil.

  15. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes in the handing over the redemption of power between the Man Jesus and the Man Branham through adoption .We also believe in the placement of members in the Body of Christ.
  16. The Mission Evangelic Branham Church of Texas believes and affirms the death of the Bride (Church) of Jesus, the Bride(Church) of Jehovah and believes that after these Churches there is a Church called Eternal Kingdom or Branham-Church, which is worldwide
Mission Evangelical Branham Church of Texas